A review on Optus we came across 2 days ago.
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To us, the secret to living a successful life, is to surround ones self with individuals and organisations with ordinary email addresses, and when you use them, you get helpful quality responses within reasonable time frames – it’s that simple.
The website, https://productreview.com.au lists over 100 Australian companies that are in the business of providing assistance to those wishing to connect to the internet, with so many having ordinary email addresses.
Why would anyone choose Optus, when they’re virtually uncontactable – not an ordinary email address in sight? Utter madness!!! Our experience with them has been atrocious.
Of course, it’s an expense to have people on hand to provide high quality responses that are really helpful, and it would seem that organisations like Optus see themselves as successful enough while avoiding this expense. But that’s no reason for you and I to deal with them when there are organisations around that take a different approach.
Email us at info@questionsmisc.info
One of our readers had been using Optus to connect to the internet for some time while he was residing in a certain rented unit, but he moved from that address on 23 January, 2023, in the following circumstances. Firstly, he was admitted to the Westmead Government hospital, and then they considered he was so ill that they would only consider releasing him to an Aged Care facility, not to his rented unit. So he was moved into an Aged Care facility on 14 February, 2023, where he’s been residing ever since.
Since then, he says, he’s spent a least an hour trying everything to let Optus know about these circumstances, all to no avail. As readers can see for themselves, there are no ordinary email addresses in sight. He says he’s been given two different 6 figure codes to use, but no matter what he does, he always ends up with this, which, as some one in his late 80s, he finds impossible to use.
So what’s been happening in the last five and a half months?
Our reader says Optus has been taking $80.37 out of his bank account every month. (Our reader says he contacted his bank to get them to stop allowing this, but hasn’t got on very well with this either.) AND, Optus has been sending him threatening letters saying he owes them more. Until, on 30 June, he got a letter from a debt collecting organisation, saying they’d received instructions to sue him for another $750.17.
So over $400 out of his bank account, plus another $750 – over $1,150, for 5 months in which they haven’t been providing him with any services!
Email us at info@questionsmisc.info
If you do a Google search for Optus on the Product Review website, you get a result which includes this:-
In interpreting these figures, it is important to understand that reviewers have to give those they are reviewing at least 1 star, they can’t give none out of 5. It would seem safe to assume that those providing 1 star, i.e. more than 77% of those providing reviews, would provide no stars if they could.
But to us, significant as this may be to those considering using Optus to be their internet service provider, if you go to the Optus website, there’s not an ordinary email address to be seen. This when the Product Review website lists over 100 internets service providers, many of whom have ordinary email addresses readily available.
To us, those people and organisations that are good to deal with, always have an ordinary email address readily available. To us, those who don’t have an ordinary email address readily available, may as well have a sign up somewhere saying, “We are not good to deal with.”
Email us at info@questionsmisc.info